Source code for signposting.signpost

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The University of Manchester, UK
#   Copyright 2022 The University of Manchester, UK
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Common types for describing signposting link relations:

* `Signposting` represent all the signposts for a given resource
* `Signpost` represent one particular signposting corresponding to a single link relation and single URI
* `LinkRel` enumerates signposting link relations
* `AbsoluteURI` represent an URI string
* `MediaType` represent an IANA media type string

These classes are general data holders, independent of the way
signposting links have been discovered or parsed. They would
be returned by methods like :meth:`find_signposting_http` 
or could be constructed manually for other purposes.

The main purpose of the typed strings is to ensure syntactic
validity at construction time, so that consumers of
`Signposting` objects can make strong assumptions
about type safety.

# PEP-563 support self-references of types in class definitions
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import re
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Set, Sized, Union, AbstractSet, FrozenSet
from enum import Enum, unique
from warnings import warn

import rfc3987
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from httplink import Link

[docs]class AbsoluteURI(str): """An absolute URI, e.g. "" """ def __new__(cls, value: str, base: Optional[str] = None): """Create and validate an absolute URI reference. Note that IRIs are not supported unless ``%``-encoded. :param value: URI string to validate as Absolute URI. May be a relative URI reference if `base` is provided. :param base: (Optional) URI used to resolve the potentially relative URI reference, otherwise `value` must be an absolute URI. :raise ValueError: if the final URI reference is invalid or not absolute. """ if isinstance(value, cls): return value # Already AbsoluteURI, no need to check again # Resolve potentially relative URI reference when base is given uri = urljoin(base or "", value) # will throw ValueError if resolved URI is not valid rfc3987.parse(uri, rule="URI") return super(AbsoluteURI, cls).__new__(cls, uri)
# @staticmethod # def from_iri(cls, value: str, base: Optional[str] = None): # """""" # iri = rfc3987.parse(uri, rule="absolute_IRI") # netloc = iri["authority"] and iri["netloc"].encode('idna').decode('ascii') # ## TODO: What about non-hostname schemes? # path = iri["path"] and urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(iri['path'].encode('utf-8')) # query = iri["query"] and urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(iri['query'].encode('utf-8')) # fragment = iri["fragment"] and urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(iri['fragment'].encode('utf-8')) # return ...
[docs]class MediaType(str): """An IANA media type, e.g. ``text/plain``. This class ensures the type string is valid according to `RFC6838`_ and for convenience converts it to lowercase. While the constructor do check that the main type is an official IANA subtree (see :attr:`MAIN`), it does not enforce the individual subtype to be registered. In particular RFC6838 permits unregistered subtypes starting with ``vnd.``, ``prs.`` and ``x.`` Extra content type parameters such as ``;profile=`` are **not** supported by this class, as they do not form part of the media type registration. .. _RFC6838: """ MAIN = "application audio example font image message model multipart text video".split() """Top level type trees as of 2022-05-17 in `IANA`_ registry .. _IANA:""" _MAIN_SUB_RE = re.compile(r"""^ ([a-z0-9] [a-z0-9!#$&^_-]*) / ([a-z0-9] [a-z0-9!#$&^_+.-]*) $""", re.VERBOSE) """Check the type string is valid following `section 4.2`_ of RFC6838. .. _section 4.2: """ main: str """The main type, e.g. ``image``""" sub: str """The sub-type, e.g. ``jpeg``""" def __new__(cls, value=str): """Construct a MediaType. Throws ValueError """ if len(value) > 255: # Guard before giving large media type to regex raise ValueError( "Media type should be less than 255 characters long") match = cls._MAIN_SUB_RE.match(value.lower()) if not match: raise ValueError( "Media type invalid according to RFC6838: {}".format(value)) main, sub = match.groups() if len(main) > 127: raise ValueError( "Media main type should be no more than 127 characters long") if len(sub) > 127: raise ValueError( "Media sub-type should be no more than 127 characters long") if not main in cls.MAIN: warn("Unrecognized media type main tree: {}".format(main)) # Ensure we use the matched string t = super(MediaType, cls).__new__(cls, t.main = main t.sub = sub return t
[docs]@unique class LinkRel(str, Enum): """A link relation as used in Signposting. Link relations are defined by `RFC8288`_, but only link relations listed in `FAIR`_ and `signposting`_ conventions are included in this enumerator. A link relation enum can be looked up from its RFC8288 *value* by calling ``LinkRel("cite-as")`` -- note that this particular example has a different Python-compatible spelling in it's enum *name* (``LinkRel.cite_as``). .. _signposting: .. _FAIR: .. RFC8288: """ author = "author" collection = "collection" describedby = "describedby" item = "item" cite_as = "cite-as" # NOTE: _ vs - because of Python syntax type = "type" license = "license" linkset = "linkset" def __repr__(self): return "rel=%s" % self.value def __str__(self): return self.value
"""Signposting link relations as strings""" SIGNPOSTING = set(l.value for l in LinkRel)
[docs]class Signpost: """An individual link of Signposting, e.g. for ``rel=cite-as``. This is a convenience class that may be wrapping a :attr:`link` or otherwise constructed. In some case the link relation may have additional attributes, e.g. ``["title"]`` -- the purpose of this class is however to lift only the navigational attributes for FAIR Signposting. """ rel: LinkRel """The link relation of this signposting""" target: AbsoluteURI """The URI that is the target of this link, e.g. ```` Note that URIs with Unicode characters will be represented as %-escaped URIs rather than as IRIs. """ type: Optional[MediaType] """The media type of the target. It is recommended to use this type in content-negotiation for retrieving the target URI. This property is optional, and should only be expected if ``rel`` is :const:`LinkRel.describedby` or :const:`LinkRel.item` """ # FIXME: Correct JSON-LD profile profiles: FrozenSet[AbsoluteURI] """Profile URIs for the target with the given type. Profiles are mainly identifiers, indicating that a particular convention or subtype should be expected in the target's . For instance, a ``rel=describedby`` signpost to a JSON-LD document can have ``type=application/ld+json`` and ``profile=`` There may be multiple profiles, or (more commonly) none. """ context: Optional[AbsoluteURI] """Resource URL this is the signposting for, e.g. a HTML landing page. Note that following HTTP redirections means this URI may be different from the one originally requested. This attribute is optional (with ``None`` indicating unknown context), context may be implied from the resource, e.g. as indicated by :attr:`Signposting.context` """ link: Optional[Link] """The :class:`Link` object this signpost was created from. May contain additional attributes such as ``link["title"]``. Note that a single Link may have multiple ``rel`` relations, therefore it is possible that multiple :class:`Signpost` instances refer to the same link. """ def __init__(self, rel: Union[LinkRel, str], target: Union[AbsoluteURI, str], media_type: Union[MediaType, str] = None, profiles: Union[AbstractSet[AbsoluteURI], str] = None, context: Union[AbsoluteURI, str] = None, link: Link = None): """Construct a Signpost from a link relation. :param rel: Link relation, e.g. ``"cite-as"`` :param target: URI (e.g. ``""``) :param media_type_: Optional expected media type of the target (e.g. ``"text/html"``) :param context: Optional URI this is a signposting from (e.g. ``""``) (called ``anchor`` in Link header) :param link: Optional origin :class:`Link` header (not parsed further) for further attributes :raise ValueError: If a plain string value is invalid for the corresponding type-checked classes :class:`LinkRel`, :class:`AbsoluteURI` or :class:`MediaType`, """ if isinstance(rel, LinkRel): self.rel = rel else: self.rel = LinkRel(rel) # May throw ValueError if isinstance(target, AbsoluteURI): = target else: = AbsoluteURI(target) # may throw ValueError if isinstance(media_type, MediaType): self.type = media_type elif media_type: self.type = MediaType(media_type) else: self.type = None if isinstance(profiles, AbstractSet): for p in profiles: assert isinstance(p, AbsoluteURI) self.profiles = frozenset(profiles) elif profiles: self.profiles = frozenset(AbsoluteURI(p) for p in profiles.split(" ")) else: self.profiles = frozenset() if isinstance(context, AbsoluteURI): self.context = context elif context: self.context = AbsoluteURI(context) # may throw ValueError else: self.context = None = link def __repr__(self): repr = [] if self.context: repr.append("context=%s" % self.context) repr.append("rel=%s" % self.rel) repr.append("target=%s" % if self.type: repr.append("type=%s" % self.type) if self.profiles: repr.append("profiles=%s" % " ".join(self.profiles)) return "<Signpost %s>" % " ".join(repr) def __str__(self): strs = [] strs.append("Link: <%s>" % strs.append("rel=%s" % self.rel) if self.type: strs.append('type="%s"' % self.type) if self.profiles: strs.append('profile="%s"' % " ".join(self.profiles)) if self.context: strs.append('anchor="%s"' % self.context) return "; ".join(strs) def _eq_attribs(self) -> Iterable[object]: """Attributes of the Signpost important for equality testing, returned in a predictable (but undefined) order. This method is used by __eq__ and __hash__ internally. Subclasses are encouraged to overwrite and add additional attributes in a consistent order at the end.""" # NOTE: context **is** included in equality so that multiple Signpost # objects can be in the set of Signposting. For instance, there can be # multiple documents that share the same metadata resource. yield self.context yield self.rel yield yield self.type # NOTE: do NOT yield each profile of set separately, as order is not consistent # As self.profiles is a frozenset it is eligible for hash() yield self.profiles def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(o, Signpost): return False # Assume _eq_attribs has consistent ordering. for a,b in zip(self._eq_attribs(), o._eq_attribs()): if a != b: return False return True def __hash__(self) -> int: h = hash(self.__class__.__qualname__) for e in self._eq_attribs(): # Classic XOR would mean order does not matter, but # links may have URIs swapped around. As that is unlikely # for real-life signposts, we don't need to include # a positional hashing like in hash(tuple) h ^= hash(e) return h
[docs] def with_context(self, context: Union[AbsoluteURI, str, None]) -> Signpost: """Create a copy of this signpost, but with the specified context. If the context is ``None``, it means the copy will not have a context. """ return Signpost(self.rel,, self.type, self.profiles, context,
[docs]class Signposting(Iterable[Signpost], Sized): """Signposting links for a given resource. Links are categorized according to `FAIR`_ `signposting`_ conventions and split into different attributes like :attr:`citeAs` or :attr:`describedBy`. It is possible to iterate over this class or use the :attr:`signposts` property to find all recognized signposts. Note that in the case of a resource not having any signposts, instances of this class are considered false. .. _signposting: .. _FAIR: """ context: Optional[AbsoluteURI] """Resource URI this is the signposting for, e.g. a HTML landing page. Documentation on other signposting attributes refer to the context as "this resource". This attribute is optional, `None` indicate no context filtering applies and that individual signposts can have any context. """ @property def context_url(self) -> Optional[AbsoluteURI]: """DEPRECATED: Use :attr:`context` instead""" warn("Signposting.context_url deprecated, use Signposting.context instead") return self.context other_contexts: Set[AbsoluteURI] """Other resource URLs which signposting has been provided for. Use :meth:`for_context` to retrieve their signpostings, or filter the full list of signposts from :attr:`signposts` according to :attr:`Signpost.context` """ authors: Set[Signpost] """Author(s) of this resource (and possibly its items)""" describedBy: Set[Signpost] """Metadata resources about this resource and its items, typically in a Linked Data format. Resources may require content negotiation, check :attr:`Signpost.type` attribute (if present) for content type, e.g. ``text/turtle``. """ types: Set[Signpost] """Semantic types of this resource, e.g. from""" items: Set[Signpost] """Items contained by this resource, e.g. downloads. The content type of the download may be available as :attr:`Signpost.type` attribute. """ linksets: Set[Signpost] """Linkset resources with further signposting for this resource (and potentially others). A `Linkset`_ is a JSON or text serialization of Link headers available as a separate resource, and may be used to externalize large collection of links, e.g. thousands of ``item`` relations. Resources may require content negotiation, check ``Link["type"]`` attribute (if present) for content types ``application/linkset`` or ``application/linkset+json``. .. _Linkset: """ citeAs: Optional[Signpost] """Persistent Identifier (PID) for this resource, preferred for citation and permalinks""" license: Optional[Signpost] """Optional license of this resource (and presumably its items)""" collection: Optional[Signpost] """Optional collection resource that the selected resource is part of""" def __init__(self, context: Union[AbsoluteURI, str] = None, signposts: Iterable[Signpost] = None, include_no_context: bool = True, warn_duplicate=True): """The constructor takes a an iterable of :class:`Signpost`. Signposts are filtered by the matching `context` (if provided), then assigned to attributes like :attr:`citeAs` or :attr:`describedBy` depending on their :attr:`Signpost.rel` link relation. Multiple signposts discovered for singular relations like ``citeAs`` are ignored in this attribute assignment, however these are included in the `Iterable` interface of this class and thus also in its length. A Signposting object is equivalent to boolean `False` in conditional expression if it is empty, that is ``len(signposting)==0``, indicating no signposts were discovered for the given context. However the remaining signposts will still be available from :attr:`signposts`, as indicated by :attr:`other_contexts` and retrievable with :meth:`for_context`. :param context: the resource to select signposting for, or any signposts if ``None``. :param signposts: An iterable of :class:`Signpost` that should be considered for selecting signposting. :param include_no_context: If `True` (default), consider signposts without explicit context, assuming they are about ``context``. If `False`, such signposts are ignored for assignment, but remain available from :attr:`signposts`. :param warn_duplicate: If `True` (default), warn of duplicate signposts that can't be assigned. :raise ValueError: If ``include_no_context`` is false, but ``context`` was not provided or `None`. """ if not include_no_context and not context: raise ValueError("Can't exclude signposts without context when not providing context; try include_no_context=True") if context: self.context = AbsoluteURI(context) else: self.context = None # No filtering # Initialize attributes with empty defaults self.citeAs = None self.license = None self.collection = None self.authors = set() self.describedBy = set() self.items = set() self.linksets = set() self.types = set() self.other_contexts = set() self._extras = set() # Any extra signposts, ideally empty self._others = set() # Signposts with a different context if signposts is None: return # We're empty # Populate above attributes from list of signposts for s in signposts: if include_no_context and not s.context: # Pretend it's in our context context = self.context else: # Inspect signposts's context context = s.context if self.context and self.context != context: self._others.add(s) if context: self.other_contexts.add(context) elif s.rel is LinkRel.cite_as: if self.citeAs and != warn("Ignoring additional cite-as signposts") if warn_duplicate else None self._extras.add(s) else: self.citeAs = s elif s.rel is LinkRel.license: if self.license and != warn("Ignoring additional license signposts") if warn_duplicate else None self._extras.add(s) else: self.license = s elif s.rel is LinkRel.collection: if self.collection and != warn("Ignoring additional collection signposts") if warn_duplicate else None self._extras.add(s) else: self.collection = s elif s.rel is self.authors.add(s) elif s.rel is LinkRel.describedby: self.describedBy.add(s) elif s.rel is LinkRel.item: self.items.add(s) elif s.rel is LinkRel.linkset: self.linksets.add(s) elif s.rel is LinkRel.type: self.types.add(s) else: warn("Unrecognized link relation: %s" % s.rel) # NOTE: This means a new enum member in LinkRel that we should handle above self._extras.add(s) @property def signposts(self) -> AbstractSet[Signpost]: """All FAIR Signposts with recognized relation types. This may include any additional signposts for link relations that only expect a single link, like :attr:`citeAs`, as well as any signposts for other contexts as listed in :attr:`other_contexts`. """ return frozenset(itertools.chain(self, self._others)) def _signposts_with_explicit_context(self) -> Iterable[Signpost]: """Iterate over all our signposts, making context explicit if possible. Variant of ::attr:signposts, gives a generator. If ::attr:`context` is set, then signposts without a context will be excluded (to avoid them leaking across contexts). """ for s in self: if not s.context and self.context: # Clone to make implicit context explicit yield s.with_context(self.context) else: yield s for o in self._others: if not o.context and self.context: warn("Ignoring signpost with unknown context: %s" % o) continue yield o
[docs] def for_context(self, context:Union[AbsoluteURI, str, None]) -> Signposting: """Return signposting for given context URI. This will select an alternative view of the :attr:`signposts` filtered by the given ``context``. The remaining signposts and their contexts will be included under :attr:`signposts` -- any signposts with implicit context will be replaced with having an explicit context from :attr:`context`. **Tip**: To ensure all signposts have explicit context, use ``s.for_context(s.context)`` :param context: The context to select signposts from. The URI should be a member of :attr:`other_contexts` or equal to :attr:`context`, otherwise the returned Signposting will be empty. If this parameter is `None`, then the individual :attr:`Signpost.context` values are ignored and any signposts will be considered. """ include_no_context = context is None if include_no_context: # include any implicit contexts as-is our_signposts: Iterable[Signpost] = self.signposts else: # ensure explicit contexts, so they don't get lost our_signposts = self._signposts_with_explicit_context() return Signposting(context, our_signposts, include_no_context=include_no_context)
def __len__(self) -> int: """Count how many FAIR Signposts were recognized for the given context""" # Note: tuple(self) fails here, as tuple will call our __len__ to pre-allocate #return len(tuple(self)) # Instead we'll do it with a nice generator return sum(1 for _ in self) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Signpost]: """Iterate over all FAIR signposts recognized for the given context. See also the property :prop:`signposts` for signposts of any context. """ if self.citeAs: yield self.citeAs if self.license: yield self.license if self.collection: yield self.collection for a in self.authors: yield a for d in self.describedBy: yield d for i in self.items: yield i for l in self.linksets: yield l for t in self.types: yield t for e in self._extras: yield e # NOTE: self._others are NOT included as they have a different context def __eq__(self, o) -> bool: """A Signposting instance is equal to another Signposting, if and only if it has the same `Signpost`s for their respective current contexts. Note that their :attr:`Signposting.context` are _not_ compared for equality, although each :attr:`Signpost.context` are included when comparing list of signposts. This distinction becomes significant when comparing signposts without explicit context, loaded from two different contexts. **Tip**: To compare two Signposting's using only explicit ``Signpost.context``s, use ``a.for_context(a.context) == b.for_context(b.context)`` """ if not isinstance(o, Signposting): return False return set(self) == set(o) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Calculate a hash of this Signposting instance based on its equality. The result of this hash method is consistent with :meth:`__eq__` in that only each signpost of the current context are part of the calculation. """ h = hash(self.__class__.__qualname__) # NOTE context is NOT included in equality checks, see __eq__ ## h ^= hash(self.context) for e in self: # We use a naive XOR here as order should NOT matter h ^= hash(e) # Signposts in other contexts are ignored ##for e in self._others: ## h ^= hash(e) return h def _repr_signposts(self, signposts) -> str: """String representation of a list of signposts""" # This is usually a short list, so no need for max-trimming and ... return " ".join(set( for d in signposts)) def __repr__(self) -> str: repr = [] if self.context: repr.append("context=%s" % self.context) if self.citeAs: repr.append("citeAs=%s" % if self.license: repr.append("license=%s" % if self.collection: repr.append("collection=%s" % if self.authors: repr.append("authors=%s" % self._repr_signposts(self.authors)) if self.describedBy: repr.append("describedBy=%s" % self._repr_signposts(self.describedBy)) if self.items: repr.append("items=%s" % self._repr_signposts(self.items)) if self.linksets: repr.append("linksets=%s" % self._repr_signposts(self.linksets)) if self.types: repr.append("types=%s" % self._repr_signposts(self.types)) if self.other_contexts: repr.append("other_contexts=%s" % " ".join(self.other_contexts)) return "<Signposting %s>" % "\n ".join(repr) def __str__(self) -> str: """Represent all :atttr:`signposts` as HTTP Link headers. Note that these are reconstructed from the recognized link relations only, and do not include unparsed additional link attributes. Signposts with other contexts are included in this listing. See also `` """ return "\n".join(map(str, self.signposts)) def __or__(self, other: Signposting) -> Signposting: """Merge two Signposting instances. The context of the new Signposting is determined as: a) The context of the left-hand Signposting, if explicit; or b) The context of the right-hand Signposting, if explicit; or c) No context When merging Signpost, any implicit contexts are made explicit from their original :attr:`Signposting.context` if specified. If neither Signposting has a context, then the new `Signposting` is constructed with ``include_no_context=True`` meaning that only signposts _without_ context are considered. Otherwise only signpost _with_ the determined context are considered. **Tip**: To adapt signposts without context, use :meth:`Signposting.__add__` instead If multiple signposts match singular properties like :attr:`citeAs` but with different targets, Signpost from this instance (left-hand) will be preferred after merging, however all signposts will be included in the iteration over the returned ``Signposting``. Duplicate Signpost (as determined by :meth:`Signpost.__eq__`) will be ignored, it is unspecified which Signpost will be rejected (this should primarily affects :attr:``). As an example, if the left-hand Signpost ``a`` with context ```` had:: Link <>;rel=cite-as Link <>;rel=author`` and the right-hand ``b`` with context ```` had:: Link <>;rel=cite-as" Link <>;rel=author;context="` then the resulting Signposting ``a|b`` would contain:: Link <;rel=cite-as;context="" Link <>;rel=author;context="" Link <>;rel=author;context="" In this case ``…pid/B`` is ignored in the merged signposting as it relates to ``…doc/2`` and not the determined context ````, which on the other hand has been made explicit in all its direct signposts. The complete set of merged signposts (regardless of their context) is available in :attr:`Signposting.signposts` in the returned instance. :param other: Another `Signposting` instance which signposts are to be merged with ours :return: A new `Signposting` instance from the merged list of signposts. :raise TypeError: If `other` is not an instance of `Signposting` """ if not isinstance(other, Signposting): raise TypeError("Can only merge with Signposting instances, not: %s" % type(other)) # Decide if the merged Signposting will have a context. # Left hand has preference. newContext = self.context or other.context or None if newContext: # Merge with explicit contexts so that Signposts can be compared merged: Iterable[Signpost] = itertools.chain(self._signposts_with_explicit_context(), other._signposts_with_explicit_context()) else: # Both are context-free, merge them as-is, but prefer self merged = itertools.chain(self.signposts,other.signposts) return Signposting(newContext, merged, include_no_context=not newContext, warn_duplicate=False) def __add__(self, other: Union[Signposting, Iterable[Signpost]]) -> Signposting: """Create a merged Signposting by overriding new Signposts from another. The returned Signposting instance will have the same context as this instance. `other` is considered an iterable of `Signpost`s -- if it is a `Signposting` instance, this method will iterate over its direct signposts only if its context is ``None`` or matches the current context, otherwise it will select the current context using :meth:`Signposting.for_context`. If the added Signpost's context is `None` or match the current :attr:`context`` they will __replace__ or append the existing signposts from this instance. For instance, if the left-hand Signpost ``a`` had:: Link <>;rel=cite-as Link <>;rel=author`` and the right-hand ``b`` had:: Link <>;rel=cite-as Link <>;rel=author then the resulting Signposting ``a+b`` would contain:: Link <>;rel=cite-as Link <>;rel=author`` Link <>;rel=author (Note: iterating over the returned `Signposting` would include the relegated ``…pid/A``. Take care of operator order if adding multiple Signpostings). Added signposts with other contexts will be ignored and __not__ added to the resulting `signposts`, however existing signposts from other contexts in this instance are preserved. To do a full merge across contexts, use instead ``a | b``, see :meth:`__or__` :param other: Either an `Iterable` (`Set`, `List`, etc) of `Signpost` instances, or another `Signposting` instance. The signposts are to be added to our signposts, if matching the determined context. :return: A new `Signposting` instance from the summed list of signposts. Signposts from `other` may override signposts from this instance. :raise TypeError: If `other` is not an instance of `Signposting` or an iterable of Signposts. """ if (isinstance(other, Signposting) and self.context and other.context and other.context != self.context): to_add: Iterable[Signpost] = other.for_context(self.context) else: to_add = (s for s in other if s.context == self.context or not s.context) return Signposting(self.context, itertools.chain(to_add, self.signposts), # NOTE: We chain the added ones first so they can override the singular properties like citeAs include_no_context=True, warn_duplicate=False)